Life of a Freelancer : Productivity

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Freelancers wear many hats. Most people assume a freelance illustrator draws all day, but that’s far from the truth. Freelancers are their own marketers, sales agents, administrators, accountants, and more. It’s a busy profession so to freelance effectively you have to optimize productivity.

What’s blocking you?

What’s stopping you from being productive? Instead of feeling guilty about it, try to nail down what’s stopping you. When I procrastinate it’s usually due to one of the following - I don’t feel confident in the task, it’s a part of my job I don’t enjoy, I’m second guessing myself, or it’s a time of day when I’m already spent. If it’s one of the first three do it anyway. If it’s the latter come back to it another time.

Start keeping track.

Let lists become your best friend. This is nothing ground breaking and I’m sure everyone already does this, but it’s a stepping stone of productivity. Lists allow you to strategize your day. The more specific you can be the better. For example, instead of adding ‘Emails’ to your list write ‘Email Sara regarding packaging design’. You will feel more accomplished and to the point with this strategy.

What do I do first?

Now that you have your list start to categorize it. What tasks are for clients, admin, creating, etc? It’s easy to misuse time doing things that don’t really benefit you/your business. So categorize your list. This highlights priority and therefore how to schedule your day. I prioritize client work before anything else. Once client work is done I can dedicate time to creating new content, administration, or whatever else needs getting done.

What environment is best?

What time of day do you feel most productive, in what environment, in a cafe, a shared workspace, listening to podcasts or is that too distracting? Take time to observe this and look at your current situation. If it isn’t optimal then change things up. The big perk to freelance is running your own schedule from anywhere so take advantage. Maybe the 9-5 doesn’t work for you, so work at night. Use your desk for administrative tasks but sit on the porch to design on your iPad. Or maybe 9-5 is your ideal schedule because it allows you to link up with friends and family. Everyone is different. Don’t fall into the trap of following the status quo. Learn what works best for you and then do it.

Do you multitask?

Many people multitask without being aware of it. I love to end the day watching a show or movie. It helps me unwind. But it’s a very passive activity. I get a bit stir crazy so I start scrolling instagram or Pinterest. I’m multitasking. But I’m multitasking in an unproductive way. So I started focusing that aimless scrolling into responding to people’s questions and comments on instagram, editing photos I took earlier that day, creating new content using the Canva app, etc. These are tasks I enjoy and don’t find taxing. What multitasking do you already do and can make more productive? What tasks can you streamline to allow multitasking? For example, reading can be a multitasking activity. Instead of reading the hardcover version get the audiobook and design while you listen.

Save the best for last.

Sounds great right? When it comes to work not so much. But it’s important. There will be tasks that you dread doing, taxes are a good example, or tracking down that unpaid invoice. So instead of saving the worst for last, save the best for last. Put the dreaded responsibilities at the top of your list if you can. You feel so much better at the end of the day knowing they’re done.

Know when to step away.

Sometimes you’ll be on a productive roll running through your to-do list. Other days you’ll be stuck making little to no progress. Don’t feel guilty taking a break if you can. Go for a walk or say fuck it and take the day off. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle your responsibilities when you return.

Have a bit of routine.

A lot of people freelance to get away from the monotony of office routine. No more alarm clocks, sitting in traffic, etc. But I urge you to have somewhat of a routine. It can be as small as a morning workout, walking the dog, afternoon coffee, etc. When you set benchmarks in your day it helps you tie your tasks to those benchmarks. For example, I’m going to finish this design by my 3 o’clock coffee.

I hope this helps you be more productive. Let me know if you have any productivity tricks and tips up your sleeve!

x Katinka

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